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#IS 3043, Why risk metal corrosion


So A cast iron will corrode. Practically in projects it is necessary that it will

corrode faster.

In this reality . We see it around us.

Replacements ?? How often is it the replacement will come from the same casting foundry??

Even the same foundry with GOOD LUCK same die?? same size.?? Same dies??

At the time of replacements (projects do last longer then their components)

a real condition exists of Any thing that fits goes...THAT IS THE ISSUE.

A polymer glass filled lid, U/v stabilized earth pit lid made from the same die delivers the same or better characteristics as a CAST IRON LID . Speeds up installation and drops prices.

Along with the replacement benefits, makes a strong case in favor of the polymer earth pits.

#IS 3043, electrical earth pit,earth pit,earthpits,earth inspection housing,ground inspection housings
earth pit, polymer square earth pit , 450 x 450 earth pit



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